Su Spencer Junior Race Results

Junior A Grade
1st Harry Askew, 2nd Lewis Walker, 3rd Emerson Nugent.

Junior B Grade
1st Braydon Jones, 2nd Elliott Walker, 3rd Noah Davies.

Junior C Grade
1st Tia Slama, 2nd Samuel Atherton, 3rd Brooke Johnson.

Full results here

Result of Cyclo Sportif at Snapper Point

The event was held in lovely sunny conditions, although a breeze was making it harder for the riders. I think the riders enjoyed the rider and why not on this scenic part of the coast.

Results here


Notice of the Annual General Meeting of South Coast Cycling

This is to advise you of the upcoming annual general meeting of the members.

At 7:30 pm Friday 8th April 2016
Trott Park Neighbourhood Centre,
4 Hessing Crescent,
Trott Park, SA 5158
At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:

  • find out about South Coast Cycling’s operations and finances
  • ask questions about the operations and finances of South Coast Cycling
  • speak about any items on the agenda
  • vote on any resolutions proposed.

At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:

  • accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting
  • accept the annual report
  • accept the Treasurer’s report
  • elect Committee Members.


Nominations will be called for from the floor for Office bearers.
Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and Committee members.

If more than one person nominates for any office, or if there are more nominations than there are committee places, there will be an election. Election can be through a show of hands or by secret ballot.

If you would like more information on any of the positions please contact one of the committee members.

Latest Results

“South Coast Cycling” End of Season Track Racing for 18 – 03 – 16.

Heart Starter Senior A & B – S. Eglinton, D. Radzikiewicz, M. Ireland, S. Hennessy.
Heart Starter Senior A & B – P. Lechelt, B. McIntyre, D. Bottrill, C. Thomas.
Heart Starter Senior C – S. Harris, D. Slater, R. Lam, T. Marriage.
Heart Starter Senior D – R. Wallis, N. Chaffey, L. Fleming, L. Green.
Heart Starter Junior  Handicapped – J. Currie, E. Birrane, Z. Marriage, G. Bridge.
Little Trackies 1/2 lap Handicap – L. Crick, A. Monaghan, S. Lennon, I. Currie.

Senior  A & B Grade  Reverse Scratch Race – T. Lennon, S. Eglinton, L. Walker, M. Ireland.
Senior  A & B Grade  Reverse Scratch Race – P. Lechelt, B. McIntyre, I. Nicholls, C. Thomas.
Senior  C Grade  Reverse Scratch Race – D. Slater, C. Spence, A. Foundas, T. Marriage.
Senior  D Grade  Reverse Scratch Race – R. Wallis, L. Green, N. Chaffey, L. Fleming.
Junior  Reverse Scratch Race – J. Currie, E. Birrane, Z. Marriage, G. Bridge.

Junior Le Mans Handicap – H. May, J. Currie, G. Currie, E. Coulter.
Little Trackies Handicap -L. Crick, G. Chaffey, A. Monaghan, I. Currie

Senior A & B Egg & Spoon Race – Team 1, Team 2, Team 3
Senior C & D Egg & Spoon Race – Team 1, Team 3, Team 2.
Junior Egg & Spoon Race – Team 1, Team 2, Team 3

Senior A Grass Scratch Race – S. Hennessy, M. Ireland, S. Eglinton, D. Radzikiewicz.
Senior A/B Grass Scratch Race- M. Young, C. Thomas, D. Bottrill, I. Nicholls,
Senior C Grass Scratch Race – A. Foundas, R. Lam, S. Harris, T. Marriage.
Senior D Grass Scratch Race  – L. Fleming, L. Green, N. Chaffey, R. Wallis,
Junior Grass Scratch Race –  E. Walker, H. May, A. Johnson, N. Davies.
Junior Grass Scratch Race – Z. Marriage, J. Currie, N. Crick, G. Currie.

Senior Slow Race – S. Eglinton, S. Hennessy, L. Walker, M. Young.
Junior Slow Race – H. May, N. Davies, E. Walker, Z. Marriage