Cocktails Function Fundraiser

ITS the place to be

Help SCC member Derek Radzikiewicz
& the others to get to
2015 UCI Junior World Track Cycling Championships
to be held in Astana, Kazakhstan in August 2015.
While watching the International Track Series
on Saturday Night of 30 May 2015

View Event Flyer here!

Cyclo Sportif Results

The results after the best weather for an event day I’ve attended. Couldn’t of asked for better weather, No wind & sunshine for most of the morning. Thanks to all those involved in the running of the event without them it just couldn’t happen.

SCC Sportif The Range Timing

Download a copy here

Su Spencer Jrs & John Venturi Srs Graded Road Races

Our flagship Road Races of the Winter Season are on again this year at the challenging Kangarilla course – Saturday June 13th.

With Senior Grades A-E & Up to 4 Junior Grades there is a race for everybody.

Sign-on at the Temperance Hall, Kangarilla

Junior racing starts at 10:30 am – sign on from 9.30am

Senior racing starts at 1:00 pm – sign on from 12pm

Nominations are open online here

Close off date is Sunday June 7th – NO LATE NOMINATIONS ACCEPTED