1st Simon Eglinton  2nd Sean Hennessy     1st Lewis Walker –JR     3rd David Miller    4th Bryan McIntyre

B Grade
1st Michael Young    2nd Michael Chaffey      3rd Issac Nicolls 

C Grade
1st Gemma Kernich   2nd Richard Lam   3rd Shane Harris 

D Grade
1st Nicole  Chaffey   2nd Lee Anne Fleming   3rd David Milne

Ethan Birrane,  Jacob Currie,  Grace Currie,  Shelby Johnson,  Heather May,  Elliott Walker.


Geoff Hardy Series


Luke Elliston, Ethan Birrane,  Jacob Currie,  Grace Currie,  Annabella Kelly

A Grade
1st Sean Hennessy  2nd David Miller 3rd Lewis Walker  4th James Kelly

B Grade
1st Michael Young   2nd Dan Drake   3rd Michael Chaffey

C Grade
1st Paul King   2nd Gemma Kernich   3rd Andrew Welsh

D Grade
1st Brad Edward   2nd Nicole Chaffey   3rd Lee Anne Fleming

31 March 2017

End of Track Season 2016-17 Racing

Heart Starter Senior A – S.Eglinton, D.Miller, S.Hennessy. D.Chipwell.
Heart Starter Senior B –D. Drake, P.King, M. Young, J. DeGuide.
Heart Starter Senior C – S. Harris, S. Yates , R.Lam, P. Black.
Heart Starter Senior D – B. Dolman, T.Higgbottom, B.Edwards
Heart Starter Junior 1  – H.May, E. Walker, S.Johnson, E. Birrane.
Heart Starter Junior 2 – L. Elliston, K.Tucker,  J. Currie, A.Kelly
Little Trackies 2 Handicap – Durston,  Inneke, O.Goncalves, J.Fountas
Little Trackies 1 Handicap – L.Dixon, G.Chaffey, T.Edwards

Sr A/B Grade Italian Pursuit
2:26:84 I.Nicholas, P.King, S.Eglington, A.Muir, M.Ireland T.Lennon , D.Slater
2:27:51- M.Chaffey, D.Drake, M. Young , D.Cripwell, S.Hennessy, J.Kelly, D.Miller, J. DeGuide,
Sr C/D Grade Italian Pursuit
2:02:91 N.Chaffey, B.Edwards, T.Higgbottom, P.Black, S.Yates.
2:09:20 M.Gregory, L.Fleming, B.Dolman, S.Harris, D.Slater, R.Lam
Junior Italian Pursuit
Back 2:17:50 K.Tucker, E.Coulter, J.Currie, S.Johnson, H.May, H.Nicholas,
Front 2:33:84 E.Walker, A.Kelly, L.Elliston, G.Currie, E.Birrane
Little Trackies Time trial 1 lap
G.Chaffey 1:29:92
T.Edwards 1:30:86
L.Dixon 1:22:50 

Sr A Grade Le Mans Handicap – J.Kelly, A.Muir, T.Lennon, S.Hennessy
Sr B Grade Le Mans Handicap – M.Young, I.Niccolas,D.Drake, P.King
Sr C Grade Le Mans Handicap – D.Slater, P.Black, R.Lam, S.Yates
Sr D Grade Handicap – M Gregory, B.Edwards, L.Fleming, B. Dolman
Junior 2 Le Mans Handicap  – H.May, E. Walker, E.Coulter,  E. Birrane
Little Trackies 2  Peter, J.Fountas, Inneke, M.Goncalves
Little Trackies 1  L.Dixon, G.Chaffey, T.Edwards


Results 24 March 17

Omnium Rd 6

Heart Starter Senior A – L. Walker, M. Ireland, S. Eglinton, M. Franks.
Heart Starter Senior B – M. Chaffey, D. Drake, M. Young, J. DeGuide.
Heart Starter Senior C – S. Harris, P. Black, S. Yates.
Heart Starter Senior D – B. Dolman, N. Chaffey, L. Fleming.
Heart Starter Junior 1  – E. Walker, M. Natt, E. Birrane, E. Coulter.
Heart Starter Junior 2 – W. Holmes, J. Currie, L. Elliston, H. Nicholas.
Trackeez Time Trial – S. Lennon – 0:57.02, M. Goncalves – 0:58.49, H. Durston – 1:03.01, O. Goncalves – 1:06.19, G. Chaffey – 1:23.06, L. Dixon – 1:26.05.

Italian Pursuit Senior A  Team
01:11.84 – M. Franks, M. Ireland, J. Kelly, B. McIntyre.
01:20.60 – S. Hennessy, B. McIntyre, S. Eglinton, D. Bottrill.
Italian Pursuit Senior C & B Team
01:14.25 – M. Chaffey, J. DeGuide, D. Drake, M. Young.
01:16.30 – S. Yates, S. Harris, P. Black.
Time Trial –D Grade – N. Chaffey – 0:45.70, L. Fleming – 0:49.08, B. Dolman – Not Recorded.
Time Trial –Juniors – E. Walker – 0:38.96, H. May – 0:39.48, M. Natt – 0:40.14, E. Coulter – 0:40.88, E. Birrane – 0:42.25, W. Holmes – 0:47.32, L. Elliston – 0:48.59, J. Currie – 0:51.09, J. Currie – 0:51.09, H. Nicholas – 0:51.44, J. Jones – 0:54.38, G. Currie – 0:56.46.
Little Trackies Handicap – L. Dixon, G. Chaffey, O. Goncalves, H. Durston.

Senior A & B Motor Pace – L. Walker, M. Franks, B. McIntyre, D. Bottrill.
Senior C & D  Graded Elimination Race – S. Yates, N. Chaffey, P. Black, B. Dolman.
Junior Scratch Race – E. Walker, H. May, M. Natt, E. Coulter.
Junior Scratch Race – W. Holmes, L. Elliston, H. Nicholas, J. Currie.
Trackeez Handicap – L. Dixon, O. Goncalves, H. Durston, S. Lennon, M. Goncalves.

Cyclo Sportif – The Range April 26th 2017

On a perfect morning for riding at The Range there were 15 teams & around 100 riders in total who put themselves to the test.

SCC would like to thank Bike Society for their generous support in donating a great supply of prizes.
CSA gave us great support (Thanks Amy & Lachlan) in getting the event up & running.

We would also like to thank the loyal and hardworking committee & support crew from our club – SCC.
Due to a few roadblocks in finding courses to hold the event on, we did the organisation in about 3 days. Many thanks to David Radzikiewicz, Chris & Therese May, Tony Lennon, Cathy Braithwaite, Howard Bartlett & Ken Gooding who all did a fantastic job helping put it all together – setup/BBQ/packup/race organisation/buying food etc etc etc – lots of jobs to cover in doing an event such as this.

Fastest men, women & mixed teams were calculated using each teams fastest lap as the decider.
Zero Friction Cycling/Mercedes Benz Adelaide blitzed the course with 4 very quick laps – their quickest being their 1st lap at 25 mins & 26 seconds which is about 40km/h on a rolling & slightly hilly in parts course.

Skinny Latte Espressos were fastest in the Women’s category & SADB2 cleaned up in the mixed category.

Final results are HERE

Thank you to all riders who supported the event & we hope to see you next time SCC run an event such as this.

Results 17 Mar 2017

South Coast Cycling Geoff Hardy St Patrick Day Wheelrace
Edwardstown Velodrome 17  March 2017.

Heart Starter Senior A – L. Walker, S. Hennessy, D. Cripwell, D. Miller.
Heart Starter Senior B – D. Drake, M. Young, M. Chaffey, P. King.
Heart Starter Senior C – S. Harris, D. Slater.
Heart Starter Senior D – B. Dolman, B. Edwards, N. Chaffey, L. Fleming.
Heart Handicapped Starter Junior 1  – E. Walker, H. May.
Heart Starter Junior 2 – M. Natt, E. Coulter, E. Birrane.
Heart Starter Junior 3 – L. Elliston, J. Currie, A. Kelly.
Time Trial G. Chaffey – 1:27.52, T. Edwards – 1:39.18, L. Dixon – 1:26.54, H. Durston – 1:06.18, S. Lennon – 0:59.28, M. Goncalves – 1:03.07, O. Goncalves – 1:10.52.

Senior A  Grade Handicap  – L. Walker, D. Cripwell, M. Ireland, J. Kelly.
Senior  B Grade  Handicap  – P. King, M. Young, J. DeGuide, M. Chaffey.
Senior C & D  Handicap – N. Chaffey, B. Edwards, B. Dolman, L. Fleming.
Junior  Handicap – M. Natt, E. Coulter, E. Walker, E. Birrane.
Little Trackies Handicap – G. Chaffey, L. Dixon, M. Goncalves, S. Lennon.

Junior Graded Handicapped Elimination Race – E. Birrane, E. Walker, L. Elliston, M. Natt.
Italian Pursuit Senior A & B Team
01:49.14 – S. Hennessy, D. Cripwell, M. Ireland, M. Ireland, M. Young, J. DeGuide.
01:51.03 – P. King, J. Kelly, L. Walker, D. Drake, D. Miller, M. Chaffey.
Italian Pursuit Senior C & D Team
01:04.28 – B. Edwards, S. Harris, D. Slater.
01:05.35 – L. Fleming, N. Chaffey, B. Dolman.
Junior  Team Italian Pursuit .
01:25.61 – J. Currie, L. Elliston, H. May, M. Natt.
01:27.89 – A. Kelly, E. Birrane, E. Coulter, E. Walker.
Trackeez  Team Italian Pursuit
01:22.26 – G. Chaffey, M. Goncalves, S. Lennon, S. Lennon.
02:51.74 – T. Edwards, L. Dixon, H. Durston, O. Goncalves.

Senior C & D Scratch Race – D. Slater, S. Harris, B. Dolman, P. King.
Madison Time Trial
P. King – 0, J. Kelly – 1:23.60.
M. Young – 0, L. Walker – 1:14.90.
M. Ireland – D. Cripwell – 1:15.08.
D. Miller – S. Hennessy – 1:13.33.
Little Trackeez 1Lap Handicap – G. Chaffey, O. Goncalves, H. Durston, M. Goncalves, L. Dixon, S. Lennon.