Unclaimed Prize Money….

Here is a list of people who have unclaimed prizes (money, vouchers, etc.)

If you are on this list, please contact the club to arrange

  • collection of prize money
  • bank details so the club treasurer can deposit the money into their account
  • if they wish for the club to put the money into club races we will happily accept it

Please contact the club (secretary AT southcoastcycling.org.au) within a month (if not claimed, the club will put it into the budget for future events)

Nobody will be able to retire on the prize money, but it may buy them a tyre/ tube or repair kit








Call for Sponsors – Junior and Senior Road Race 22 June 2013

Sponsors are needed for the South Coast Cycling – John Venturi – Su Spencer (senior and junior) Graded Road Races to be held at Kangarilla on the 22 June.

We are looking for sponsors or individuals to provide ‘In Kind Sponsorship’ of a product, voucher or cash prizes.

In return for this support the club will acknowledge you or the business as the sponsor of the event during the race commentary and include the logo on the club web page, race entry form , race program and in the results published.

If you know of or have any sponsorship contacts please do not hesitate to contact email the club secretary At southcoastcycling.org.au

2012-2013 End of Summer Track Racing Results (Summary)

To download the results (summary) for the 2012-2013 Summer Track racing seEdwardstown Velodromeries events and presentation awards from Edwardstown Velodrome, CLICK HERE.

Thank you to the Volunteers

Thank you to everyone who has assisted throughout the season, jobs have included; judging, commentating, bbq cooks, coaching, lap scoring, handicapping, race coordinator, registration, getting equipment out and packing equip up, setting new rider up on bikes… … … … …

Thank you to the Sponsors

  • Michael & Nicole Chaffey- UpFront Bikes
  • Robert Gaggini – Fuga Cycling
  • Steve & Michele – Corsa Cycle Centre
  • Chris Spence – King of Bling
  • Renee Hennessy – Buzz Massage
  • Bicycle Australia

Race and Celebrate – 22 March

Celebrate!The South Coast Cycling club Summer Track Presentation will be held in the football club rooms after racing on the 22 March.

Come upstairs to the Football Club bar catch up with everyone after the last event of the year.

It is not fancy dress… but it might turn into that!